PINK!?! Made you think, didn’t it?  And the chances are you thought, not so much about the color as you did breast cancer awareness.  Organizations like Susan B Komen, The American Cancer Society and others have done a phenomenal job bringing awareness to breast cancer in our society.  And, now the whole month of October has become Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Eagle Hardware is proud to participate in these efforts.

As a way of doing so, Eagle Hardware is hosting “Simply Pink Day” all day on Saturday, October 26.  Come join us as we celebrate breast cancer awareness month.  The Hunt Regional Medical Center’s Mobile Mammogram Unit will be here, free cupcakes and refreshments, pink item specials, and as a way of expressing our appreciation to our ladies, free flowers will be given away.  Want to save a little extra on “Simply Pink Day?”  It’s easy!  Wear something pink (ball cap, bandanna, t-shirt, socks, etc.) and you’ll receive $2 OFF your purchase of $10 or more!